Article Number: 2077
Soft Cover, English, Thread Stitching, 227 Pages, 2010, Jan van Eyck Academie
Sarah Vanhee

The Miraculous Life of Claire C.

€ 26.90

The Miraculous Life of Claire C reveals a public secret, based on a human existence which cannot be traced in history books, because identity is a living thing, both effervescent, elusive and in continual transformation.

A few years ago Sarah Vanhee found an unfinished manuscript by Guillaume Maguire in which the un-heroic, but fascinating Claire C was the central figure. Intrigued by Claire C, Sarah decided to become Claire herself and to go in search of the other characters from the uncompleted book.
Through various channels she came into contact with people who saw themselves as possible novel characters. Claire met twelve actual people, each on a different bench in a different park in Amsterdam. In the course of their conversations Claire’s identity and her miraculous life took shape.

By turns both hilarious and harrowing, Claire’s identity unfolds in multiple layers within a dynamic network of voices. The city plan becomes a web of stories; public spaces set the scene for a novel that writes itself.